Friday, July 30, 2010

Sew Sarah Sew!

Today Madelyn and Brady watched The Little Mermaid for the first time, how could that be! It is one of my all time favorite Disney movies. I watched it out of the corner of my eye as I sewed and sewed and sewed. I don't have anything complete to show you yet so I am posting some of my finished projects from the past few weeks, unfortunately they were all taken with my iPhone and aren't the greatest.

House slippers!

Baby shoes to match the heart that I
stitched to a onesie and a hair barrette!

Cut off a tank top and added a skirt
to make a dress and accessories!

A skirt for my new niece to coordinate with
Maddie's dress! Do you like my model? ; )

Bright baby blanket!

How did this picture get on here?
I made chocolate chip cookie bars today
and wanted to share the beautiful deliciousness!

I hope to have some fun pics to share tomorrow. We have plans to go roller skating!!! It is one of those things I have really been wanting to do this summer but keep putting it off. Could be a disaster waiting to happen, but I am going to give it a shot!


  1. Daisy is wearing her yellow flower skirt outfit today! I have to say she looks much cuter in the outfit then the baby doll! Thanks your sewing projects seem to be going well. love you brady madelynn love aunt dixie

  2. Preston and Dixie were the Ragu pizza makers for a while. Made supper pizza for us and served us at the table. We started calling them the Ragu pizza makers. Looks like I have some grandkids following in their father's and aunt's footsteps! Love it! Julie Mom g-ma

  3. LOL! My model wasn't very cooperative! I am sure Daisy looks absolutely adorable!!! Julie, they love to make pizza and now I know's in their genes!
