Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I Can Do Better.

Have you ever read or maybe watched something that really inspired you...made you want to do better?  Last night I read one of my favorite blogs, Enjoying the Small Things and this particular post really spoke to me.  She is a stay-at-home mom of  two beautiful girls and the youngest has down syndrome.  Her pictures are beautiful, but it's her writing that amazes me.  She is the best blog writer I have yet to come across; it's always a fun read, leaving me wanting more.
And then I was looking through Pinterest as usual and came across this which led me to this ; I was overflowing with inspiration!  (Let's see how many times I use the word inspiration or inspire!  Ha!)  One is a list of rules for mothers of daughters and the other is for mothers of sons.  I like to consider myself a good mom, but I can do SO MUCH BETTER!  I want to do better.  Making excuses, that is what I am really good at.  We'll do _____ when the weather is nice, when Dad gets home, after I get the laundry done, tomorrow (and hope they forget about it), or I'll say maybe someday.  I am going to work on stopping myself before I just hurl a response at their many questions.  Can we really do _____ right now?  I bet ya most of the time the answer will be YES!  But if not, make a plan to do it and follow through!

If you're a mom (especially a mom of little ones that desire so much of your attention) and could use a little pick-me-up
(aka inspiration!!! ;-), check out out the links above.