Hi!!! I have lots of pictures to show you today. Are you ready? Let's go!
Church was so good this Sunday! We didn't have anyone in the nursery so I was able to listen to a missionary guest speaker. Wow, he has an amazing testimony! This picture of Brady and Madelyn is one of the best I have taken of them together. Perfect...except for the weird arm sticking out of Maddie's tummy!Yesterday I began a sewing project that started with this shirt I bought when we were in Washington, D.C. five years ago. It is a "fitted" shirt and not allowed out in public like many of the shirts in my closet. I decided to make it into a dress for Maddie so it will actually get some use! It turned out quite cute!!! I love it when that happens!
I bought it at the Hard Rock Cafe and really like the cool print on it.
As soon as it was done I took her out for a mini photo shoot!
She is the perfect little model!
The back is cute too!
Losing interest already.
It will probably be a play-around-the-house dress or even a night gown. What do you think?
It was a fun quick project! If you have cute shirts that you don't wear anymore for some reason don't get rid of them, turn them into something cute or useful! I think this shirt would have made a really cute pillow too...maybe next time!
My next project is a lap board for Brady. He likes to sit next to me on the couch and ask me a hundred questions while he is doing his kindergarten workbook I bought for him to practice with.
Preston is applying for jobs at the home office and we would appreciate your prayers. He would be working 7-5 Mon.-Fri.!!! I know it isn't what he really wants to do, but I think he is ready to give something else a shot. He won't know until he tries it! And if it isn't for him he can always transfer back to being a co-manager. Thank you everyone!
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